Create online courses (and more) in Clarityflow

When you want to run an online course, or other pre-programmed sequence of content in Clarityflow, you can use Courses (formerly called "Programs").

Courses let you enroll clients or students in their own personal "instance" of a course so that they can go through your content at their own pace while also asking questions and interacting with you right within the context of your course. That's because a course is designed to be turned into many individual async conversations (with pre-programmed content) between you and your clients.

What is a course in Clarityflow?

A course in Clarityflow is a way for you to build a big template, which can be used to create many new conversations that are pre-filled with your course's content.

Common use cases for courses include:

  • Online courses

  • Welcome sequences

  • Onboarding

  • Interactive quizzes

  • Automated interviews

  • Training exercises

  • and other ideas you can dream up!

How is a course different from a conversation?

Think of a course like a template that can be used to create many conversations.

How is a course different from a group?

Groups (formerly called "Spaces") in Clarityflow are membership areas where members can access a collection of conversations that are only available to the group. They're commonly used for group coaching, communities, and coaching cohorts. You can integrate your courses and groups so that members of a group can enroll in a course (within their group).

Creating a course

You can create a course in two ways:

  • Go to "Courses" > Create a new course from scratch

  • Convert any conversation and all of its messages into a course

Creating a new course from scratch

  1. Go to "Courses" > Create a new course and give it a title (example: "My Awesome Course")

  2. In the course builder, add content to your course

    1. You can select content from your Library in Clarityflow (message templates or thread templates).

    2. Or you can record and create new content, which will create new message templates that will be stored in your Library and used in this course.

Courses are built using content from your Library

Your Library in Clarityflow is where you build your collection of message templates and thread templates. These are the "building blocks" for your courses. You can create them directly in your Library, or you can create them while building your course. You can also convert any message or thread from a conversation into a template that you store in your Library and can use In your courses.

  • Message Templates

    These are used to create single messages or a single lesson or piece of content in your course. A single message template can be a single video, an audio recording, a screen recording, and/or text, and it can contain multiple file attachments.

  • Thread Templates

    Thread templates contain multiple message templates. When used in a course or in a conversation, a thread template will become a thread (like a reply thread in a conversation). You can use thread templates to create "modules" within your course.

Organizing a course with modules using threads

Courses are often organized into modules or lessons. For example, let's say you're creating an online course called "Healthy Habits Course" (as shown in the video above). You can organize it this way:

  1. Welcome video (a single message template)

  2. Morning Routines (a thread template)

    • Waking up early (message template)

    • Healthy breakfast (message template)

    • Morning meditation (message template)

  3. Exercise Guides (thread template)

    • Cardio exercises (message template)

    • Strength training exercises (message template)

  4. Nutrition Guides (thread template)

    • Diet tips (message template)

    • Healthy choices (message template)

Enrolling students and clients in your course

Ready to enroll (many) clients or students in your course?

There are multiple ways you can do this:

  • When viewing the course > click "Enroll someone" to select a contact to enroll.

  • Invite a new client or guest, and configure their onboarding to lead them into a course enrollment.

  • View a Contact > Open their settings menu > click "Enroll in a Course" > Select the course to enroll them in.

  • Use Zapier to enroll a person in a course (see below)

Sending new content out to all of your courses

As you add new content to your courses over time, you can send this new content out to all of the individual course enrollment conversations that were created before this new content came into your course.

See this video and guide on how to send out new content to your existing enrollments.

Automating your courses using workflows

You can add automations into your courses using Workflows.

Workflows enable you to do things like:

  • Drip out content in a sequence, only once an enrollee has viewed or posted a reply

  • Send email notifications to "nudge" students along if they haven't watched a video after a period of time.

  • Automatically post replies to make an interactive conversation, quiz or exercise.

  • And much more...

A workflow can be created...

  • On the course level

    Open the course settings menu > "Create a Workflow".

    This workflow will be triggered to start whenever the course is turned into a conversation (like for a new enrollment). Then this will be the workflow that is running on the Conversation.

  • On the Message level

    Each individual message template in your course can have its own workflow. Open the settings dropdown on a message template in your course to create its workflow. These can be triggered when this specific message is played by an enrollee, when it is viewed, or when it has been published.

Integrating courses using Zapier

Courses have been fully integrated with our Clarityflow Zapier integration so that you can build automations to invite and enroll new people in courses.

This guide details one of the many features of Clarityflow, the coaching software that powers modern coaching practices of all types. Learn more about Clarityflow.