Integrate Clarityflow with Zapier

As of this writing, the Clarityflow Zapier integration is currently invite-only.To get access to it, simply follow this link:

Access the Clarityflow Zapier integration here »

Instructions for accessing Clarityflow on Zapier:

  1. Log into your Zapier account.

  2. Follow our Zapier invite link

  3. Create a new Zap

  4. For the trigger app, search for “Clarityflow.” Our beta Zapier app should show up. Or if you want to use Clarityflow as an “action” step, you can search for it there too.

  5. When configuring the Clarityflow step in your Zap, it will prompt you to connect using the Zapier API Key provided on the integrations page in Clarityflow.

You can use Zapier to connect Clarityflow to thousands of popular apps. It's the most flexible and powerful way to integrate anything! And Clarityflow has a first-class Zapier integration that has everything you need to make full use of Zapier.

Connecting your Clarityflow account to Zapier

Once you've gained access to the Clarityflow Zap, you can create a new Zap, search for "Clarityflow" when adding a trigger or an action, and then select it.

Zapier will launch a popup, which asks you to input your Clarityflow API key. To find your API key, log into your Clarityflow account > Settings > Integrations > Click "Connect to Zapier," then click "Copy" on the API Key field. This will copy your API key to your clipboard so you can paste it into the field in Zapier's popup.

Now your Clarityflow account is connected and ready to use in all of your Zaps!

Using Clarityflow as a "trigger" for Zapier Zaps

When you select Clarityflow as the first step in a Zap, that means Clarityflow will be the "trigger" that makes this Zap run.

You can trigger a new Zap when any of these occur in Clarityflow:

  • A new conversation has been created

  • A new message has been created

Note: New conversations can be created from within your Clarityflow account or via one of your intake pages.  Any of these creates a new conversation, which triggers the "New Conversation" trigger in Zapier.

All of the data from the conversation or message will be passed into Zapier for you to use in future steps in this Zap.

Using Clarityflow as an "action" in Zapier Zaps

Whenever you use Clarityflow in any other steps in a Zap (other than the very first step), Clarityflow is an "action" step. That means some action will be taken in your Clarityflow account. These can include:

  • Create Conversation: Creates a new, empty conversation that can receive new messages posted to it.

  • Create Message: Creates a new text-only message in any conversation. If a Conversation ID wasn't specified, then Clarityflow will automatically create a new conversation along with this new message as the first message in this new conversation.

  • Update Conversation: You can add this step after any other Clarityflow step that outputs a Conversation ID. Then you can specify this Conversation ID here and update any other attributes on this conversation, such as changing its title, its URL slug, assigning team members, applying tags, etc. 

  • Create an Invitation: You can create a new invitation and set up its onboarding all from within Zapier.

Finding an existing Clarityflow conversation in a Zapier Zap

If a conversation already exists and you want a Zapier Zap to find that conversation and do things with it (such as update it or add new messages to it), you can use the Find Conversation action in your Zap.

The Find Conversation action lets you find an existing conversation using one of two methods:

  • Find by Slug (exact): If you specify the exact slug of a conversation, that conversation and its data will be returned. The conversation slug is the last section of a conversation's URL. For example, if the conversation URL path is .../account-name/hello-world, then hello-world is the slug.

  • Find by Title (contains): If you specify a word(s) that is contained within the title of a conversation, then that conversation and its data will be returned. If multiple conversations' titles contain this string of text, then it will return the one that was most recently created.

Using Zapier to trigger a workflow on a Clarityflow conversation

If you want to automatically apply a workflow on a conversation that is created via Zapier (using the "Create Conversation" Zapier action), then follow these steps:

  1. Choose an intake page in your Clarityflow account to create the workflow. It can be your primary intake page or any secondary intake page.

  2. Build the workflow in the intake page settings. This essentially means that any conversation created via this intake page will get this workflow automatically applied.

  3. In Zapier, when setting up the "Create Conversation" action, use the "Intake Page" dropdown to select the intake page where you've set the workflow.

  4. Now, when a conversation is created via the Zap, it will be as if the conversation was created via that intake page—effectively applying that intake page's workflow to this new conversation.

This guide details one of the many features of Clarityflow, the coaching software that powers modern coaching practices of all types. Learn more about Clarityflow.