Glossary: Clarityflow terms to know

Conversations: Each conversation has multiple messages in it. A conversation can be 1-to-1 or it can have a group of multiple participants, all seeing and posting messages to the conversation. You can make conversations public (anyone with the link can view) or private (requires a login).

Messages: A single message in a conversation. A message can be a single video, audio, and/or text message, as well as file attachments.

Threads (Replies): You can post replies underneath specific messages. A thread is a sub-level of messages within a conversation.

​​Message templates (located in your Library): Pre-recorded messages that can be reused in your conversations. You can also use message templates as pieces of content in your courses.

​Thread templates (located in your Library): A collection of multiple message templates. When inserted into a conversation, a thread template becomes a thread of multiple messages in the conversation. Or you can use thread templates as "modules" within a course.

Invitations: When you want to create a personalized onboarding experience for a client or teammate, you can create an invitation and then customize the onboarding flow for the person who will accept and onboard via your invitation.  Each onboarding flow can include a custom welcome message, along with specific instructions to route the invitee to a conversation, course, or group.

Intake pages: A page with an intake form that you can share, where anyone can submit a message to you. When they do, it starts a new 1-to-1 conversation with that person. You can optionally display a welcome message on your intake page(s). You can also embed intake pages on your own website.

Workflows: Automation flows that can automate messages in your conversations. For example, automatically drip out template messages on a schedule, wait for a reply and then automatically post a response, or send a nudge email if someone if someone hasn't replied within X days, etc.  Workflows can also be built into your courses.

Courses (formerly called "Programs"): You can build multiple message templates, thread templates, and automation workflows into a course. Then you can run your course many times, where each running of the course is a new conversation, built from the template that is your course. You can then track student enrollments in your courses.​

Groups (formerly called "Spaces"): A group is an area that contains a collection of conversations. You can invite members to access a group. It's a private group area, where members can see and start conversations that are only seen by other members.

Products: You can sell your coaching products using Clarityflow Commerce. Whether you want to sell subscriptions, one-time purchase products, or access to conversations, courses, and groups, you can manage it all in Commerce. Payments will be integrated with your Stripe account.

This guide details one of the many features of Clarityflow, the coaching software that powers modern coaching practices of all types. Learn more about Clarityflow.