Now you can customize colors, logos, and branding

Brian Casel August 16, 2023

Now you can give your clients an end-to-end experience that fully matches your brand in Clarityflow.

You can customize Clarityflow to match your brand in the following ways:

  • Connect your own domain name (more here)

  • Display your logo and favicon in your emails and pages.

  • Customize the colors used on buttons and other elements throughout the interface and emails.

How this came about...

First and foremost, it's been a popular request and for good reason: Coaches use Clarityflow to interact with clients, so we take that relationship and how you present yourself very seriously. Offering the ability to customize the colors and logo to fit your personal brand is an important part of that, along with the custom domains feature we launched a few weeks ago.

But it was also good timing in our product development roadmap...

You see, we officially rebranded to Clarityflow earlier this year and launched this all-new marketing site. And we've been incredibly busy shipping new features like Programs, Spaces, and our new Mobile Apps.

One thing we hadn't gotten around to yet was updating the colors throughout the interface to match our new colors on our new Clarityflow marketing site and brand.

Another lingering to-do has been some under-the-hood "front-end" updates, to make the app run faster and make it more efficient for us to maintain and continue shipping new features.

And since I knew we'd need to offer custom branding soon enough, now was a perfect time to tackle all of those objectives in one big update.

This week, we not only updated the default colors seen in Clarityflow to match our (much better!) brand colors, we also shipped:

  • Full color customization options (see the video above)

  • Ability to show your own logo at the top of your emails (soon your pages too), along with a customi favicon... A nice touch if you've connected your own domain.

  • And a big round of under-the-hood improvements to speed up all pages.

It was a really heavy technical lift, but I'm really happy with how it turned out! It'll be make our continuous roadmap easier to ship too :)

Brian Casel

About Brian Casel

Product designer and founder of Clarityflow. Writer and entrepreneur who coaches fellow entrepreneurs on starting and sustaining businesses in software and services.

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