Introducing, Spaces, for coaching groups, communities and memberships

Brian Casel July 14, 2023

Our summer of shipping major new features in Clarityflow continues!

Today we've launched Spaces!

Use Spaces for hosting coaching groups, communities, and managing memberships.

Group coaching & communities

Just about every coach we speak to engages with their audience and client base through communities—small and large. And many coaches' offerings come in the form of coaching groups, which go beyond 1-to-1 coaching and allow members to interact and grow alongside other members and their coach.

Spaces is aimed at facilitating all of these core growth levers for coaches—all in the same place where you communicate with clients—Clarityflow :)

Cohort-based Spaces

Unlike the more generic community platforms out there, Clarityflow is designed for the specific needs of coaches. One specific way coaches organize their groups is by forming Cohorts.

We've designed Spaces to allow for cohorts, where an individual cohort can have its own set of members and conversations, while inheriting settings across all cohorts in a space.

For example: You might create a space called "Growth Accelerator" and organize it into a "Spring Cohort", "Spring Cohort", "Summer Cohort" and "Winter Cohort".

Evergreen Communities

On the other hand—some spaces don't need separate cohorts and instead use the "Evergreen model", where your membership base grows over time. You can grow evergreen communities using Spaces as well!

Your membership list in your evergreen space can grow over time.

Managing Memberships with Spaces

Spaces introduces the ability to invite and manage members within a Space.

Only the members of a space can access the conversations within that space.

Plus, you have controls over whether members should be able to see a public members directory (or hide it), as well as controls over whether members should be able to start conversations (or leave this to the admins).

Team Management with Spaces

We know many coaching companies have multiple coaches or admins assigned to moderate different coaching groups and cohorts.

So we've built in the ability to assign specific team members to individual spaces and cohorts, so that these assigned team member(s) are always added to every new conversation in the space.

Zapier and Payments integration with Spaces

Like everything else in Clarityflow, our robust Zapier integration fully supports our new Spaces feature, so that you can add and remove members to spaces via Zapier.

Plus, we're integrating Spaces with our (upcoming) Payments feature, which will enable you to sell access to your coaching group spaces or sell membership access to your communities—all in your coaching hub, Clarityflow :)

Brian Casel

About Brian Casel

Product designer and founder of Clarityflow. Writer and entrepreneur who coaches fellow entrepreneurs on starting and sustaining businesses in software and services.

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