Introducing Programs, for online courses and interactive content

Brian Casel August 16, 2023

Now you can create and run online courses and other types of programs using our new feature called... Programs!

For well over a year, coaches have been showing us all the ways they pair online courses (or course-like content) with coaching, where students can go through some self-paced content and then ask questions or go deeper with personalized coaching.

So with Clarityflow — We're aiming to build the online course platform that's made for coaches and their clients.

3 ways online courses are unique in Clarityflow

There are no shortage of online course software out there. So I want to share a few reasons why our approach at Clarityflow is a little different, and why it's designed for the coaching use-case:

1. Course & Coaching in the same place

Not "a course over here" and "coaching over there". In Clarityflow, your client gets their own personal instance of your course, where they can go through your content at their own pace and ask you questions privately—all in the same async conversation.

Programs literally create many new conversations between you as the coach and each client you enroll in your programs.

2. Personalized Courses for each Client

Most coaches don't use courses in a traditional online learning structure ("lesson 1", "lesson 2", etc.).

More commonly, a coach will curate a specific set of videos, modules, downloads, and texts to give the client exactly the material they need for where they're currently at.

In Clarityflow, your Programs pull from your Library, which is the place where you can store all of your re-useable coaching content and assemble these into Programs, or pull them into your async conversations.

3. Convert conversation into Programs

Ever talking with a coaching client (or a coaching group) and find that you're repeating the same advice over and over again?

Or did a particular group session generate some amazing content that you want to repurpose and use in future training and coaching conversations?

You can turn any conversation into a Program in one-click, so that you can build on it and deploy it with other coaching clients!

4. Programs Integrate with Spaces

We recently launched our Spaces feature, which is used to organize coaching groups, communities, and memberships.

Now with the addition of Programs, you can give members of your Space an easy way to enroll themselves in your Programs, and run these programs within your Space either in 1-to-1 private conversations, or small group enrollments where multiple clients interact with a Program's content, together.

Other uses for Programs

Online courses might be the most popular use case for Programs, but they're not the only one! Here are a few more:

  • Onboarding and welcome sequences

  • Training programs

  • Interactive exercises

  • Automated interviews

  • Quizzes

  • And other ideas you can dream up!

Here are the official Knowledge Base docs for the Programs feature.

Try Clarityflow today and start building your first Program.

Brian Casel

About Brian Casel

Product designer and founder of Clarityflow. Writer and entrepreneur who coaches fellow entrepreneurs on starting and sustaining businesses in software and services.

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