A Thinkific Alternative Made to Elevate Your Coaching Business

Clarityflow is the perfect Thinkific alternative for building courses that create deeper relationships with your coaching students.

Coaching mobile app
Video coaching software message
Video coaching app message
Audio coaching software message
Coaching app text message

Replace Static Courses with Personalized Learning Experiences

Thinkific is a platform widely used for building online courses and learning communities at scale. While it’s great for reaching the masses, it isn’t designed to create personal connections with students. Something that’s necessary when you’re a coach.

Clarityflow makes the process of growing and nurturing meaningful relationships with your coaching students a no-brainer. Build interactive courses while always staying connected using our full suite of async communication tools.

You can even create dedicated group spaces for your coaching community to thrive in together. All that (and more) directly from Clarityflow!

“Clarityflow has been an absolute game changer for my coaching business. My clients love it too.”
Jason Resnick, ConvertKit Coach
Coach talking to client on computer

5 Great Reasons to Choose Clarityflow over Thinkific

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All-in-One Coaching Platform

Thinkific is one-size-fits-all.

Thinkific was designed to create courses that can be taken by thousands of different people. If you want to create a general course for a wide audience, Thinkific is a strong option.

But, if you run a coaching business, and want to create personalized courses for your clients, Thinkific won’t be a great fit.

Clarityflow is designed for coaches who offer courses

If you have a coaching business, Clarityflow was made for you. You can create courses (just like Thinkific) while making them interactive to personalize the learning experience.

From sharing 1:1 async conversations all the way to handling payments, everything you need to manage and scale your coaching business can be done in Clarityflow.

Tight-knit groups

Thinkific communities can feel empty with small groups.

While large, broad groups can be very active on Thinkific, smaller coaching groups will struggle to feel fully engaged.

Instead of having a welcoming space for your group to interact and bond in, the community can feel like a ghost town.

Clarityflow makes small groups feel more connected

With Group Spaces in Clarityflow, you can host a small community for each of your coaching cohorts to connect in.

Since Group Spaces are specifically designed for more intimate groups, your students will feel engaged and excited to interact.

Everything is async, too, so your members can communicate and learn from one another in their own time.

1:1 Coaching

Thinkific doesn’t handle 1:1 coaching.

Providing 1:1 coaching for your students isn’t something that can natively be done through Thinkific. While there are some workarounds, they all involve duct-taping other (non-async) communication tools together.

That means a heavier workload for you, and a more scattered experience for your students.

ClarityFlow is for 1:1 coaching alongside personalized courses.

As a platform specifically made for coaching businesses, 1:1 coaching is baked directly into Clarityflow. Better yet, it’s all facilitated through our suite of async communication tools.

For you, that means a more scalable way of offering coaching sessions. For your students, it means a personalized coaching experience where they can ask questions along the way.

Async Conversations

Thinkific courses are one-sided.

If a student needs personal guidance while taking your Thinkific course, their only option will be to send you an email.

Getting your point across over email can be difficult and time consuming, making communication a chore.

ClarityFlow enables async Q&A between the student and coach

Easily engage with your coaching students 1:1 through high-fidelity messages over camera, mic, screen, text, file attachments, and more. All communication is async and threaded on a single page your students can always come back to.

No more bouncing around unorganized email chains or blocking you calendar with endless meetings.

Interactive & Personalized Courses

Thinkific courses are static.

Want to provide a personalized learning experience for your students? That’s not possible with Thinkific.

Once you’ve created a course in Thinkific, everyone who takes it will receive the same end-product, no matter where they are in their educational journey.

Clarityflow courses can be personalized to each student.

You can create a custom course library filled with a mix of resources for your students to learn from. Then, pull from that library to create a tailored course around each student’s specific needs, wherever they're at in their journey.

Students can also learn and ask questions of you or other students in their group space to further personalize their learning process.

The 5 essential tools coaches love in Clarityflow

The days of duct-taping multiple pieces of software are finally behind us. These unique features integrate seamlessly to power your coaching business to new heights.

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Stay Connected

Async Coaching

Swap video, voice, or text messages in threaded, asynchronous conversations with clients. As easy as sharing a link, pressing record, and send.

Threaded Conversations

A dedicated page for your back-and-forth conversation, with sub-threads. It's easy to navigate and refer back to what was said.

Multimedia Messaging

Camera, mic, text, screen share, file attachments, embeds... Say it with clarity every time.

Video coaching software
Audio coaching software
Kickoffs done right

Client Onboarding

Create personalized onboarding flows for every new client, complete with a welcome sequence that leads directly into their coaching program with you.

Welcome Message

Welcome every client with a personalized welcome message (or use a template) that sets them up for success.

Automate & Scale

Onboard many clients with every launch and ensure a smooth flow that routes each person to the right place.

Client welcome video
Client onboarding
Your best insights

Coaching Library

Build your library full of your best insights, stored as videos, modules, frameworks, assessments, and more. Pull from your library in any coaching conversation, based on each client's needs.

Reuseable Templates

Tailor each student's course content to their specific needs, wherever they're at in their journey.

Personalized Content

Students can learn and ask questions of you (coach) or ask others in their cohort.

Search library
Organize your groups

Group Coaching

Run group coaching cohorts and give members access to a dedicated space for group interaction, accountability, and coaching conversations.

More on group coaching

Group Coaching Tools

Everything you need to organize your coaching groups. Async coaching makes it easy to stay connected across timezones.

Cohorts or Evergreen

Run group cohorts with a scheduled start and finish or grow an evergreen community.

    coaching space
Members list
Build Your Business


Sell access to your coaching programs and group spaces with one-time or subscription payments. Managing client billing is a breeze.

Sell coaching

Sell Coaching Packages

Package your coaching offerings into value-added products that clients can purchase on-demand.

Subscriptions & Plans

Easily sell and manage recurring subscriptions, payment-plans or one-time purchases.

Coaching payments
Successful purchase notification
“With Clarityflow, I'm able to stay in touch with so many clients, so much easier. My coaching clients also use it for feedback in between our coaching sessions.”
Joel Eschenbach, Coach, Notion Design Group
“Not every client meeting needs to be on Zoom! Clarityflow lets me go async with the full power of video.”
Andrew Monaghan, Sales Coach

Choose Clarityflow over Thinkific

It's the coaching software for the modern coaching practice.