Send a video message or conversation via email

Ready to send someone a message you've just recorded? You can easily send it to anyone using the email composer!

  1. Click the conversation's "Settings" > "Link" > "Email"

  2. Input up to five email addresses to send this message to, separated by commas

  3. Customize the subject

  4. Customize the message

  5. Change or remove the thumbnail image

  6. Customize the call-to-action button or change it to a basic link

  7. Press "send email"

Note: Emails sent from Clarityflow will have a "from" email @clarityflow.

When you share a message via email, it automatically adds the recipients to this conversation, in one of two ways:

  • If the email address belongs to a registered Clarityflow user (or registered respondent guest), then that person will be added as a participant under the "People" tab on this conversation.

  • If the email address is not recognized as any user, then it will be added as a "subscriber" on this conversation, and it will be notified of any replies that are posted to this conversation.

    • You also have the option to toggle on or off the option for "create invitations if users haven't registered yet," which will lead them though a brief onboarding sequence before bringing them to your conversation.

Send from Gmail or any email tool

If you'd prefer to send it off from your own email tool, you can click "Copy email body" in the top right corner of the email composer. This will copy the entire body of the email you've composed—including the message, the image, and the call-to-action link, so that you can easily paste it right into Gmail or any other email tool.

A benefit of sending from your own tool is that the email will come straight from your email address instead of from a "Clarityflow" email address.

This guide details one of the many features of Clarityflow, the coaching software that powers modern coaching practices of all types. Learn more about Clarityflow.