Reset your Clarityflow password
Forgot your password to log into Clarityflow? Or is one of your clients having trouble logging in to access their communication with you?
Let's troubleshoot!
Quick links:
Follow these steps to troubleshoot login and password issues:
First, make sure you're trying to log in using the correct email address as your username. If you try to log in using an email address that hasn't been registered, you will see a message saying so.
Tip: Search your inbox for any notification sent from Clarityflow and check to see which email address it was sent to. That's the email address that you've registered for your Clarityflow login.
If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it by entering your email address in the password reset form here.
Within a minute or two, you should receive an email with a link to reset your password.
If you're not seeing it, be sure to check your spam inbox.
In rare cases, this email can take up to 10 minutes to arrive in your inbox.
Input your new password twice then save. This should both save your new password and log you into Clarityflow.
Troubleshooting "Reset password token is invalid"
If you've clicked the password reset link, entered a new password, and you see an error message that says "Reset password token is invalid," here's what you can do:
This often occurs when you've submitted the password reset form multiple times, resulting in multiple password reset links being emailed to you (it's possible they took a bit longer than usual to arrive in your inbox).
When this happens, it's important that you find the most recently emailed password reset link and click that link (not the earlier links) that were sent to you.
Gmail and other email clients will often "thread" multiple emails with the same subject line into what appears like a single email. Open this email thread, scroll to the bottom, and click the "..." to find the bottom-most (most recent) emailed password reset link.
One surefire way to troubleshoot this scenario:
Find all of the previous password reset links (again, check your spam inbox) that were sent to you and fully delete those emails so that they no longer show up in your inbox.
Then submit the password reset form once more (only once) to send a fresh password reset link.
Find that password reset link and proceed through the password reset process.
Learn more about Clarityflow.