Cancel your Clarityflow account and delete your data

Looking to cancel and discontinue your use of Clarityflow? We're sorry to hear that!

This page details the steps you can take to fully cancel and/or delete your account and user data:

Cancel your trial or active subscription

If you have a trial or active subscription to Clarityflow, you can cancel this subscription by following these steps:

  1. Log into your Clarityflow account here

  2. Navigate to "Account Settings" (located in the menu in the top-left corner)

  3. Click "Billing" in the left-side menu

  4. Scroll down and click "Cancel subscription"

  5. Complete the subscription form and then click the button to confirm you wish to cancel.

If any time remains on your current billing cycle, your account will remain active for the remainder and then fully cancel at the end of your current billing cycle.

(Optional) Permanently delete your account

After your trial or active subscription has been canceled, you have the option to fully and permanently delete your account—including permanently deleting all of its data, message content, conversations, and settings.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Clarityflow account here

  2. Navigate to "Account Settings"

  3. Scroll down and click "Delete account"

  4. Complete the account deletion form and click the button to complete your account deletion.

A few important notes about account deletion:

  • Deleting your Clarityflow will permanently delete the account and all content and recordings created in this account.

  • Deleting your account cannot be undone.

  • Deleting your account will not delete your user login. After account deletion, you can still log in, access other accounts, and/or create a new account with your current login.

  • To delete your account, your account must not have an active paid subscription. If it does, you'll need to cancel and complete this subscription before deleting your account.

(Optional) Request deletion of your user login and data

If you wish to fully delete your personal user login and user data—preventing your ability to log in again—then you can do so at any time by submitting a message to our support team. We will respond and complete your request within two business days or sooner.

Contact Clarityflow support here

Delete and Uninstall the Clarityflow mobile app for iOS and Android

If you've downloaded our app for iOS or Android, you can follow the normal steps for deleting and uninstalling apps from your device.

Apple's instructions on deleting an app from iPhone or iPad

Google's instructions on deleting an app from an Android device

This guide details one of the many features of Clarityflow, the coaching software that powers modern coaching practices of all types. Learn more about Clarityflow.