Imagine that your coaching client purchased one of your programs — a series of videos and educational content that you’ve put together in a course format.
While they’re learning a lot, they find themselves wanting more support directly from you. They’re eager to benefit from your expertise and your personalized guidance as a supplement to your course content.
And you? You recognize this as an opportunity to scale your coaching business (and your earnings) by charging for that level of personalized support. With this new Clarityflow feature, that’s easy to do.
As you create a program within Clarityflow, you can close replies by default. When a client purchases the course, they’ll be directed to their own personal enrollment conversation that contains your course content. However, when replies are closed, they can't post messages and interact with you.
Now, if you want to offer them the opportunity to ask questions and access your guidance directly within the context of your course, you can create a new product and post a product offer to your conversation.
When you post that message, your client will see a call to action to purchase interactive support from you — directly within their program enrollment.
That’s one of the things that makes Clarityflow Commerce so unique. You can sell your coaching products (whether it’s this interactive support or any of your other resources) directly within the context of the conversations you’re already having.
While we talked specifically about a program here, you can embed a product offer directly in any of your conversations. You don’t need to push people to a separate product page, which leads to a more streamlined process for your clients (and hopefully, more sales for you).

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