Onboarding Clients in Clarityflow

Brian Casel June 13, 2023

We know how critically important your new client's onboarding experience is when they're starting up a new coaching engagement with you and your company. So I want to take a minute to share some notes on how we're making Clarityflow as helpful as possible in onboarding your clients successfully.

There are 2 ways to bring a new client into Clarityflow. Which method you decide to use really depends on each individual situation. So I'll break down the use case and pros and cons of each here in this post!

Plus I'll share a few pro tips on how to take your onboardings to the next level.

Here's the first tip: Your clients don't need to open their own Clarityflow accounts. They don't need to go to our homepage and sign up, and they certainly don't need to pay for Clarityflow (unless they intend to use Clarityflow for their own use outside of their engagement with you).

Now, let's dig into the 2 ways to invite and onboard your clients.

  • Custom Onboarding Flows (recommended)

  • Sharing links (faster)

Custom Onboarding Flows (recommended)

Generally, when you're inviting a new client, our invitation and onboarding system was carefully designed for this purpose. Yes, it requires a bit more setup and steps, but that's actually by design. You want to carefully manage every detail in your client's onboarding experience!

The video above covers this invitation and onboarding system in detail. Here are some quick notes about what it enables you to do:

  • Customize the steps your client will take when they onboard to Clarityflow.

  • Your client will be able to set their own password on their way in.

  • Your client can authorize and test out their camera and microphone.

  • You can show your client a welcome video (and/or text) using our pre-made generic welcome, one of your template videos, or even record a personalized message for each individual client. You're in total control here!

  • Decide where your client should go once they've onboarded: A new async conversation, join an existing conversation, start a Program, enter a Space, etc.

  • Use our email composer to send the invitation, or simply grab the invitation link to share with your client however you see fit.

Your client onboarding flows are fully customizeable for each client!

Initiate a new client's invitation from any of these places:

  • Open the menu in the top corner, then click "Invite someone"

  • When viewing a conversation or a space, click "Invite someone". This will set up the client's invitation and pre-configure it to send them into this conversation or space when they onboard.

  • Create client invitations using our Clarityflow Zapier integration.

Coming soon (as of this writing in June 2023): Save your onboarding configurations for easy re-use, and integrating onboardings with our upcoming Payments feature.

Onboarding by sharing links (faster)

Before we launched the custom onboarding flows I showed in the video above, sharing links was the only way to bring clients onboard in Clarityflow.

This method is still available today and it has some benefits. We designed the link-sharing method to be as fast and frictionless as possible.

Here's how this flow works:

  1. You start a new conversation in Clarityflow and compose the first message.

  2. Share the link to that conversation with your client (your conversation is set to public—anyone with the link can view).

  3. Your client clicks the link and they can immediately watch or read your message.

  4. Your client clicks the "Reply" button to start creating their reply. Clarityflow prompts them to authorize their camera and microphone (if they're recording).

  5. Your client finishes composing their reply and clicks the "Send" button.

  6. Since your client is still anonymous at this point, before the sending process completes, your client is prompted with a popup that asks them to provide their name and email address so that they can be notified of responses.

  7. Your client has the option to skip inputting their name and email and post their message anonymously (you can disable this option, if you want).

  8. Typically, the client does enter their name and email and completes sending their message. Behind the scenes, what this did was it registered your client as a respondent in Clarityflow. Now their message shows their name on it, and they will be notified of future responses.

  9. Having registered as a respondent (when they posted their message), your client will receive an email from Clarityflow which delivers their auto-generated password. Your client can use this password to log back into Clarityflow to access their conversation(s) with you.

That may seem like a lot of steps, but in practice it happens pretty fast.

Pro tip: When you or your client receive an email notification from Clarityflow, we append their email address to all links that point to a conversation. This makes it easy to identify the person and bypass the login flow if their browser happens to be logged-out.

In most cases, this is desirable (to remove barriers from your conversations). But you do have the option to disable this behavior, or make your conversations totally private and require a login.

Is faster always better?

In some cases, it might be better to simply share a link and bring anyone into a conversation with you. Especially if it's a colleague or someone you're interacting with in passing.

But when it comes to inviting your client and kicking off an engagement that they're paying for, I recommend going with the custom invitation approach—even though it involves a few more steps both for you and for your client.

The custom invitation offers these key benefits that the faster link-sharing method does not:

  • Walks your client step-by-step into Clarityflow

  • Gives your client a chance to set their own password

  • Shows your client a preliminary welcome message to help orient them

  • Directs your client to the right destination to begin their engagement with you.

So that's how onboarding clients in Clarityflow works!

Questions or feedback? We'd love to hear from you. Via Clarityflow, on Twitter, or via email :)

Brian Casel

About Brian Casel

Product designer and founder of Clarityflow. Writer and entrepreneur who coaches fellow entrepreneurs on starting and sustaining businesses in software and services.

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